Recreate Your Relationship With Money
A Six-Part Course With Sandie Sedgbeer and Sarah McCrum
Money is a powerful, generous and loving energy. But most people don’t know this.
They only know what they heard from their parents, ministers, teachers and the media growing up, which, too often was distorted by their conditioning and experiences with money.
Sarah McCrum has had a very different experience with money and in this course she's joined by Sandie Sedgbeer to help you dismantle your misconceptions about and start making friends with money.
Part discussion, part revelatory course on releasing your fears and issues around money, Recreate your Relationship With Money will tackle the most common questions we all have about money.
It cuts right through the “heady stuff” to reveal the secrets of how love and money are interlinked in ways that we have never imagined, and in the process transform our beliefs about and our relationship with money.
1. The essence of money as an energy and consciousness that touches every aspect of our lives and links us all together across the planet.
2. How much do you value yourself and what you do? How much do you think your services are worth? What value do you place on the gifts, strengths, and skills you possess? And how much value do you place on others?
3. According to the Law of Attraction, what you pay attention to grows, and what you’re afraid of expands. If this is true, how can you focus your attention and intention to create better outcomes for yourself and others?
4. Taking a look at the technology of manifestation, and what you can do right now, today, to ensure that money is more abundant in your life tomorrow.
5. Understanding your stories about what money is, where you elevate it in ways that you shouldn’t, and how you can create better, more fulfilling money stories.
6. Although freedom is widely regarded as one of the primary benefits that comes with having money, few of us really understand that there’s a deeper secret to be revealed about the link between money and freedom.
Each conversation is so much more than talk. Just by listening to them, you receive a transmission of energy that you can sense directly. This is the first step of transformation. When your energy changes your life changes.
In addition, Sarah shares six 30-minute Energy Activations with you. They are deeply relaxing, healing and opening audios that will help you recreate your relationship with money from the inside.
Instructions | How To Do This Course
Support | How To Get Help
Session 1 | Money and love
Session 2 | Value and worth
Session 3 | Attention and intention
Session 4 | The technology of manifestation
Session 5 | The power of our money stories
Session 6 | Money and freedom
Reading | What Is An Activation And How Does It Work?
Activation 1 | Love and money - 33 mins
Activation 2 | Recognise your value - 21 mins
Activation 3 | A focused mind - 28 mins
Activation 4 | Manifesting - 27 mins
Activation 5 | What Are Your Stories About Money - 26 mins
Activation 6 | Experience inner freedom - 20 mins
Sandie Sedgbeer
Sarah McCrum