Be generous to yourself
Allow yourself to relax into self-love
Follow a 30 day program
1. Introduction
Instructions | How To Do This Course
Introduction | Why is Self Love Important?
Reading | The Elusive Experience of Self-Love
A Useful Exercise | Love Money, Money Loves You
Reflection | How Do You Love Yourself?
2. Why is Self Love Important?
The Bigger Context | What Gets in the Way of Self-Love?
Transformance | A Call to Self-Love and Healing
Reading | Of Course You’re Not Good Enough
Reflection | What's Got In Your Way?
3. Loving Yourself
Making It Practical | How Do You Love Yourself?
Be Patient | It Takes Time
Reflection | Where's your Cutting Edge?
4. A Different Approach to Self-Love
Another Way | Making It Easier to Love Yourself
Transformance | A Direct Experience of Love
Reflection | Your Experience of Self-Love
Activations | Week 1
Activation | Love yourself - 30 mins
Activation | On loving yourself - 28 mins
Activation | Accepting and being yourself - 28 mins
Activation | Be gentle to yourself - 28 mins
Activation | A gift for yourself - 25 mins
Results | Your Thank You Log
Activations | Week 2
Activation | A healthy self image - 30 mins
Activation | Your body is your friend - 23 mins
Activation | How to love your body whatever its presenting to you - 27 mins
Activation | Deep acceptance of yourself and others - 28 mins
Activation | Know yourself - 24 mins
Results | What Changed The Last Week?
Activations | Week 3
Activation | Be gentle towards yourself - 23 mins
Activation | Quiet time just for you - 24 mins
Activation | Time for you - 23 mins
Activation | Recognise your value - 21 mins
Activation | Relax into self respect and love - 28 mins
Results | Loving Yourself
Activations | Week 4
Activation | Relax deeply into self respect and love - 28 mins
Activation | Immerse yourself in love - 27 mins
Activation | Immersion in respect and love for yourself - 25 mins
Activation | Deep inner rest - 26 mins
Activation | Let love shine through - 27 mins
Results | Gratitude
Expansion Materials
Transformance | Money speaks: Love Money, Money Loves You
Podcast | How to love yourself
Podcast | The courage to love yourself
Podcast | The power of comparison and self acceptance
Podcast | How gentleness gives you energy
Podcast | Perspectives
Podcast | The deep root of a healthy self image
Podcast | Deep acceptance
Podcast | Uncondtional love
Podcast | Quiet time just for you
Podcast | Respecting yourself is respecting others
Podcast | Self respect is respect for others too
Podcast | Be gentle towards yourself
Podcast | Let love shine through
Download Activations
Activations Element 8
Appreciated by students
Amazing support for relaxation and clarity!
Holly Woods
Simple exercises to support an increased state of relaxation in various facets of your life. Significantly changed my approach to relaxing and being present....
Read MoreSimple exercises to support an increased state of relaxation in various facets of your life. Significantly changed my approach to relaxing and being present. Gained capacity to relax in almost every area of my life.
Read LessI continue to be so impressed
Kathleen Devanney
Simple yet powerful activations. What an extraordinary tool to access. My understanding and appreciation for energy continues to deepen and I'm excited and d...
Read MoreSimple yet powerful activations. What an extraordinary tool to access. My understanding and appreciation for energy continues to deepen and I'm excited and delighted at learning how immediately I can tune into energy as needed. Truly wonderful stuff.
Read LessGuided by Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum
How long can I access the course?
You have lifelong access to all course materials. Since no one knows how long "lifelong" really is, if we need to close the platform in the future for any reason we will contact you and let you download everything before we close it.
Is this part of the Thank You Money program?
Yes, it's the eighth Element of Thank You Money.
Can I upgrade to the full Thank You Money program after doing this course?
Yes, you can upgrade to the full program.
How does the guarantee work?
If you don't like the program you can email us any time within 30 days of purchase and we will refund you in full.
I've done a retreat with Sarah. Is this course valuable for me?
Yes, absolutely. The retreats are focused on experience but they don't cover the fundamentals of transforming your relationship with money which happens over a longer time. I recommend you look at the full Thank You Money program (see Courses link at the top of the page).
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Prices in US$